quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

Look for men

Ola rapazes hoje a Familia Black Br tem um lindo look para voces meninos,Jefinho Vita faz demostracoes do look do dia e esperamos que voces gostem e fazem otimas compras. Jefinho agradece pelo lindo oculos que Chrome Runner o presentiou mas a loja [:S&V:] alem desse lindo oculos que demostramos , a loja oferece shoes,roupas,acessorios para as meninas tambem , vale a pena conferir. Desejamos a todos boas compras*_*

Hello guys today Br Black Family has a beautiful look for you boys, demonstrations Jefinho Vita makes the look of the day and hope you enjoy and make great shopping. Jefinho thanks for the beautiful glasses that the Chrome Runner created but the store [: S & V:] besides this beautiful glasses that demonstrate, the store offers shoes, clothing, accessories for girls too, worth checking out. We wish you all good shopping * _ *

Jefinho Vita

Gazebo:Vero Modero Gazebo -Special Gift-
Pose: Vero Modero New
Cabelo:[]:::SHYB◯◯TY SHILOH JUN.::..
Jaqueta::SEY "Hunter"-black2-
Calça:[SG*] Jeans - 01 - Black (Lady)
Glasses/Oculos:[:S&V:] i-Shield Sunglasses No1 - Ultra By Chrome Runner
Camisa:ALB  by  AnaLee Balut
Botas:VERO MODERO /  June Gift Male
Cordão & aneis:[MANDALA]
Cinto:::GB:: Orion_belt_Brown male

Location: New Black Community Br

Familia Black Br Fashion

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